Summer Fun

Sydney's summer surf is known to be lacklustre. I still try and get out there every day, even when conditions make it difficult - there's still fun to be had! Here is a shot taken by Banjo Mclachlan January 20...
With Spare Time

"We Dropped Our Pie" It's raining now, but it was sunny during the week, which is exactly when I made these.  Having the spare time to spend the afternoon painting is fortune to the very lucky, artists who have carved out a career with the canvas, and the unemployed.  I am the latter.   "Someone Stole My Balloon" Being the kind soul she is, my friend Bron, now going by the name 'Big Chief' provided an afternoon's worth of paint and canvas and a space to use it.  It...
Full of Kandy

At the end of our week of 'Cultural Immersion' we passed through the city of Kandy.  Dubbed Sri Lanka's Art and Culture Capital, Kandy is full of temples, markets and dodgy people trying to scam you.  One guy offered me the sweet deal of getting my "the best quality hashish", if I bought him some also.  I politely declined. 2 hours later after dinner I realised he was sitting behind our table, he smiled and waved at me. Creep. A hindu temple.  I hope the time, effort...
Done but not Dusted

Here are some screen-shots of the final design of I hope you like the new look.  As you can tell... I'm kinda into orange.  After the first round of 'criticisms' I simplified the home page and began removing any elements that were not integral to the brand (my brand!) Please not that the html5 and css3 site has been made for modern browsers... This means it looks like shit in Internet Explorer (ie) but I hope you dont use that rubbish. The services...
Greening Out

The surf went pretty much flat so we decided to indulge in some cultural immersion for the week.  Drove into the 'Hill Country' to look at some more primitive villages and mind-blowing landscapes.  Here's five photos from the trip into the heartlands of Sri Lanka. Misty morning in the town of God-Knows-Where.  The quiet filling the air hangs only for a brief moment before the sound of tuk tuk engines, hawkers and the normal hustle and bustle sets in. Click on the link...
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